Jan. 15-18, 2014 in Sarasota, Florida

contact: Frank DiMeo (941)228-8341

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Noah Jeffries--Instructor


Noah has been coached in Strongman training throughout his life by his Dad, Bud Jeffries. His level of experience and knowledge are well beyond his years. 
Noah is crazy strong and will share insights about

Mental Bio-Locks - A system of reprogramming your mind for training and life success:  

Mental Bio-Locks is the process of teaching yourself how to think while training.  This is transferable to other areas of life and revolves off a system of mental tricks to make your body do what you intend for it to do instead of its instinctive path.  In short - everyone wants to be a race car driver, but the big mistake they make is spending all of their time working on their car instead of learning of how to drive.  You can have the fastest car in the world, but if you don't know how to drive it chances are, someone who knows how to drive will beat you in a Prius and you yourself will crash and burn.

  • January 17, 2014
  • Thursday 9 am-1pm

Mental Bio-Locks

Short Steel Bending and Scrolling to build phenomenal grips for martial arts and functional strength. Short steel bending is a great way to visibly monitor your gains in wrist, hand and grip strength.  Not only to monitor it, but to increase it exponentially for out of this world grip and mental focus to apply across all your training endeavors.  The gains from this type of training build a grip that is nearly impossible to break and in the martial arts world this is paramount.  From a functional strength perspective, steel bending builds hands, wrists, forearms and grip that is necessary and healthy for optimum longevity and mobility. 
  • Steel scrolling is an incredible way to train in itself.  It's essentially one long rep isometric and if you don't already do some form of cross training, which teaches you how to breath and have cardio strength while under duress, steel scrolling is a powerful way hone this skill set.  In the world of martial arts your focus is to last as long as possible with the greatest strength, hold, endurance and aerobic capacity.  Steel scrolling builds all these facets through one long isometric movement.  During this session we will have hands-on learning.  I will teach you how to focus, control, and breath-through to bending and scrolling steel even if you think it impossible.

  • January 17, 2014
  • Thursday 2-6 pm

    Steel Bending and Scrolling

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